Welcome to The Dickerson Site- Updated 3/26/2025, please see News & Updates section
Welcome to The Dickerson Site- Updated 3/26/2025, please see News & Updates section
Site live on May 6th, 2021! In the future, news and updates will be announced here. I will continue updating the site for the foreseeable future.
-Rod model profile for the 761510 has been revised and updated with new written content and photos.
-New content! Listed under Dickerson Rod Profiles, a profile on the Dickerson 8614 & 8615. Please check it out.
-Added new site section, "Dickerson-Related Letters", with new material under the Dickerson Ephemera section. More material will be added in the near future as I have a decent group of letters on-hand.
-Added new site section, "Miscellaneous Ephemera", with new material under the Dickerson Ephemera section.
-Added new section, "Unpublished Photos", with new material under the Dickerson Ephemera section. More material will be added in the near future as I have some additional photos on-hand.
-Added a new book for sale- Dickerson: The Man and His Rods
- Added a newly seen color Dickerson rod bag under "Rods Bags & Tubes":
-Added a new entry in the "Dickerson Nets" pages:
-New content! Listed under Dickerson Articles, a profile on the Dickerson 7011. Please check it out.
12-3-2022 Update
-A short article about a Dickerson net titled, "What Are The Chances?" listed in Dickerson Articles section:
11-28-22 Update
-New Dickerson net marking example posted in "Dickerson Made" section on nets
10-25-22 Update
-Instagram account added and linked to The Dickerson Site at the bottom of each page.
-Instagram account is www.instagram.com/dickersonrods/
10-15-22 Newly Added
-Under Dickerson Articles: a profile on the earliest existing Dickerson known; the 7th rod Dickerson made in his career, an 8'6" from 1931.
-New type of tube found. Shown in Rod Bags & Tubes section
-New type of rod bag found. Shown in Rod Bags & Tubes section
-The Dickerson Site's one year anniversary!
-New post under Articles, titled, The Dickerson Guide Series, Beginnings
-An anecdote & a couple of previously unseen photos added under Dickerson Articles
-A call out for your Dickerson rod photos. Send in your photos with a short description or story about your Dickerson rod(s)! I would like to make a new section for site viewer's Dickerson-related content. Please submit good photos, and a short, concise description or story associated with the rod. Send them to dickerson.rods@gmail.com and I will be in touch with you. The posting can use a partial name, full name, or your initials. Your choice.
-New content! Now listed under Dickerson Model Profiles, a feature on the Dickerson rod collection of Michigan's Tom Clark. Please check it out!
-The second Dickerson Rod Model Profile has been added to the site. The
model featured is the 8014 Guide. Please check it out!
-Dickerson Rod Model Profiles section has been added to the site. The first
model featured is the 761510.
11-29-21 I have had the privilege, due to my restless nature, of owning hundreds of bamboo rods. Buying, trying, moving on… sometimes I keep a rod for years, sometimes weeks or months. Make a buck, lose a buck, break-even; all scenarios that should be expected and accepted at the outset. This endless switching and swapping out bamboo rods allowed more fine rods to pass through my hands than normally would have been afforded. Many of these were rods made by Lyle Dickerson. As a way of celebrating the work of LD, I will be starting a Dickerson rod model profile section on this site. This new addition will feature one particular model at a time, starting with my personal favorites and continuing on down the line. There will be commentary, descriptions, photos, maybe an anecdote. I will add new Dickerson rod models when possible, shooting for one new entry per month. You’ve seen this before; Playmate of The Month/ Dickerson Rod of The Month, same thing at the age of the average cane rod aficionado. The first rod featured will be coming soon.
10-24-21- I have added a feature to sign up for The Dickerson Site newsletter/update list. Please click on the message button located on the lower right of each page, send me a message and check the box that you wish to sign up for the mailing list. Your email address will be kept private. It will not be sold, given away, or used for any purposes other than the mailing list.
10-23-21 update....
- Links to Dickerson rods for sale in the Wanted To Buy / Sell section.
- I took a brief hiatus this summer from updating the site due to some family health issues. There will be more frequent content additions and updates coming soon.
-I would like to start a mailing list. If you are interested in receiving notifications of site updates, Dickerson-related news, and Dickerson rods for sale, I will be adding a feature on the site to sign up. If you don't feel like waiting for that, send your email address to dickerson.rods@gmail.com and I will put you on the list. Your email address will be kept private. It will not be sold, given away, or used for any purposes other than the Newsletter.
6-14-21 update- -New table showing Dickerson's top production years listed under Notes On Rods and Models section.
-Interesting version of Stein and Schaaf's, "Dickerson: The Man and His Rods" shown in the Ephemera section.
-Currently available rods: Dickerson 861711 and a 901812, both in original condition. From time to time I have Dickerson rods available. Please send an email inquiry for availability.
- Rod Marking and Script section updated adding info about Dickerson's cursive writing tendencies.
5-17-21 update- Something I became aware of when developing this site was the lack of praise heaped on Dickerson rods; the fabulous individual models, what makes Dickerson rods great, and what made Dickerson great as rod maker. My initial goal was an attempt to lay down a foundation usable for those who collected Dickerson rods or wanted to purchase a Dickerson rod now or in the future and feel confident in what they were buying. I promise, the appropriate amount of enthusiasm will be directed upon Dickerson and his rods in the near future as soon the material for an update is ready.
5-14-21 update- Thanks to all who sent a nice note regarding my new site. It seems as though the site has been well received and I look forward to the future. Please note, the wanted to buy/sell list is a FREE service I offer for people who support this site. In just the past few days, parties have been put together for the sale or purchase of two Dickerson rods. I will continue this as long as it works smoothly for everyone. Lastly, a couple of new photos have been added to the rod bag/tube, rod features, and markings/script sections.
Lyle Dickerson and Tim Bedford at the Golden Gate Casting Club, San Francisco, Ca. Circa 1973-74