Welcome to The Dickerson Site- Updated 3/26/2025, please see News & Updates section
Welcome to The Dickerson Site- Updated 3/26/2025, please see News & Updates section
Welcome to the Dickerson Site. The idea for the site was formed out of my interest in Dickerson rods which has now spanned thirty years. I wanted to create an outlet for sharing the materials and information I have accumulated over this period.
My first Dickerson rod was purchased in the early 1990s at a time when classic rod information was scarce. The particular rod I purchased had some issues for which I consider myself very lucky to have discovered given my limited knowledge at the time. The rod was returned to the seller with lessons learned. Since that time, many Dickerson rods have passed through my fortunate hands. Some have gone, others have stayed with me. I would like to pass along what I have learned while at the same time promoting interest and enthusiasm in Dickerson's work. In creating this site, my goal is to present information that is of interest to the knowledgeable Dickerson fan as well as the new or prospective Dickerson rod buyer and burgeoning enthusiast. In order to provide a proper foundation on Dickerson and his rods, some of what is presented here will have been seen previously. My goal, however, is to focus on fresh material and information presented with a new perspective and detail with photographic examples. Some subjects are touched on lightly, others with a level of detail that might be considered minutiae. This was a conscious decision.
The Dickerson Site retains copies of Dickerson's production ledgers as well as the papers, photos, and documents of Dickerson book author, Dr. Jerry Stein. It was very generous of Jerry to make me the custodian of his Dickerson materials.
I developed the site with no experience in web design. It will be a work in progress. The site was developed as a desktop viewing site. To see it as intended, it should be viewed in that mode. To be frank, the hosting platform has a very poor conversion for mobile viewing. Due to constraints in design options, I will be updating both the content and format as time allows, with an emphasis on content first. Please feel free to offer suggestions on what you would like to see.
Thank you- Marc
Dickerson's later rod shop in Bellaire, Michigan, after his move from Detroit